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Honesty and Vulnerability the Key to Intimacy

One of the main factors of having and keeping a good relationship is being able to trust, and have good communication. In order for others to trust us, we have to be able to become vulnerable, and show our vulnerability. Honesty and vulnerability go hand in hand. You cannot be totally, and genuinely truthful with another, without opening up fully to them.[...]

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

We are conceived through a connection, of the deepest kind, between a man and a woman, and from the moment that we are conceived, we are connected to our Mother in her womb. When that physical connection we began with is separated at birth, we spend our lives desiring to be connected again. How we go about, and how well we succeed, at re-creating that connection…becomes the story of our lives.[...]

"Puppet On A String" Who Is Controlling Your Strings?

I was raised in a family of givers, and caretakers, and the old fashion way, where the women wait on the men, and take care of the home, but in the world of relationships, that tenancy and upbringing, if taken too far, can get me into a whole lot of trouble with men, and ultimately be the downfall of any relationship. There is a fine line between caring for someone and allowing yourself to be a “puppet on a string”. When you spend all of your time trying to please another person, at your own expense; they will see you as weak, possessive and clingy.[...]

Have You Seen My Rose Colored Glasses?"

I was reading an article by Zara Stevens, and it hit on something that has been on my mind a lot these past few years. "You no longer make me happy anymore." I heard this statement a lot at the end of my last relationship; that had started out with the most profound happiness that I could ever imagine. Both of us were filled with dreams that we were working to create together, along with supporting each other's individual dreams. But then there came that "crack", as Zara put it. I think that so many times part of the problem lies in the fact; that we meet someone, and they begin to bring so very much happiness into our lives, that each of you creates this perfect picture in your mind, about what a wonderful,[...]

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Butterfly Award

Ocean of Perspectives has honored my blog with another award. Thank you so very much Lea. You and your blog are wonderful.

Now it is my turn to spread the love.

The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Link 10 other bloggers of whom you want to give this award to.
While there are so many blogs that I enjoy, and deserve mention, I am going to pass this award to just a few, for now.

Life’s A Pizza Pie
Feeling Flirty
Sexy Old Broad

Stop by their blogs and you will all know why I like them so much.

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5 Love note(s):

Mizé said...

Thanks for visiting my simple blog trough Entrecard. I have 5 blogs in my account so I don´t return drops every day with Mumyjob.
I like your blog, I´ve found few good blogs about love.
Congrats for the award, it´s beautiful.

Allure said...

Hello there!

Thanks for the Butterfly Award. You are so sweet!


Hi nice to meet you. Congratulations for your award. I like your blog..


Thanks for the award. I's nice to know I'm getting my messages across.


I'm so sorry for the very late reply. I found your comment in my spam and have retrieved it. Thank you very much for your award. I will post this ASAP and I would include you in links as well. I love your posts too. They really makes one think deeper about themselves.

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