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Monday, April 14, 2008

Will He Break You Heart? Analyze His Handwriting and Find Out

Subconsciously we are always revealing ourselves to those around us without even realizing it. Not only do we show the world who we are by the clothes we choose to wear, the words we speak, the way we carry ourselves; we also reveal ourselves to the world through our handwriting, straight from the subconscious mind. Each person's handwriting is as unique as a fingerprint.

Handwriting analysis, also known as Graphology, can give you a personality profile of someone. So accurate in fact, that many companies are using handwriting analysis to screen potential employees. Does it make you wonder what you can find out about that potential new Friday night date, you are considering giving your heart to?

All those loops and squiggles, spaces and connections, lines and dots all connect together to reveal some aspect of your personality straight from your subconscious mind. Your handwriting can even reveal if you have a physical ailment, and what area of the body that it is located in. They even say that we can change our personality by consciously changing our handwriting.

The letter “T” alone, is one of the most revealing letters that you use often. There are many personal traits; that can be exposed, just by this letter alone. The slant of your handwriting; the amount of pressure you use, all expose your personality.

Many people have told me that they print, or are left handed, so handwriting analysis would not be accurate on them. However, the fact that you print, in and of itself, reveals a prominent personality trait, and the fact that they protest, and use this as an excuse, only confirms that trait.

I am left handed, and so I can tell you that my writing does not slant backwards, nor do I write upside-down. No excuses there! Curious about what you are revealing through your handwriting? Its' true, your penmanship reveals your inner most personality traits: esteem, intelligence, secretiveness, honesty, fears, defenses, and even sex drives! Get a 3 page written report at this computerized handwriting self-test.

Are you dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s?

Take this FREE handwriting test and get a glimpse into what you are saying to the world about your personality.

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2 Love note(s):

Signature forgery said...

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Macie Downs said...

I enjoyed reading your poost

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